Thursday, May 8, 2008

RP07 notice: Comments are needed!

okayokay! I know this season has been promising big stuff and has been showing little of it, but I'm having personal issues that are affecting the process...NONE THE LESS! I do have a very important thing that needs to be brought up.

I would like for you, the viewers, to comment in this entry, WHO IS YOU FAVORITE CHARACTER, AND WHO IS YOU LEAST FAVORITE

This is will help shape the the future of the series, giving certain characters "screen time" as it were. So go ahead, think it over and when you are ready, click the add comment button or w/e it is, and just list your fav. and your least fav. character on RP07.

thank you.

(btw the characters are: RMECPirate07, BluePeep39, Fractured 0, Contre l'Oppression, GoNoodles, and RetroGirl87)


Liv said...

Uugh, kill off RG87. I can't stand that ho.


Favorite character: Fractured
Least favorite character: Bluepeep.

Anonymous said...

Fav characters: RG87, bluepeep, contreleoppression, RP07

Least: Fractured

For me, the good guy text videos are not interesting at all, whereis the bad guy text videos (bluepeep, contleoppression) are fun. I don't know why that is for me, lol.

lala_loveeee said...

Favorite Character: RG87. Fractured. BluePeep.

Least Favorite Character: Contreoppression.

chershaytoute said...

I'm going to agree with V9K all the way around here... :) (well, mostly - I kinda like the character behind fractured)